Friday, May 31, 2019

Symbolism in the Grapes of Wrath :: essays research papers

During the depression of the 1930s, the combined evils of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl drought go forth many southern farming families landless and weak. weensy hope was left for them but to pack up and moved to California, which was widely advertised in circulated handbills that promised work and inspired hope. stern Steinbecks epic novel, The Grapes of choler tells the story of the unsettled farmers travels and what they met at their destination. Intertwined within the plot and the intercalary chapters of the story is a profound use of symbolization in various forms and with many meanings. John Steinbeck deeply incorporates symbolism into the characters and plot of The Grapes Of Wrath to convey the adversity and the attitudes of the migrant farmers as well as other people involved in and effect by the propagate pipe bowl migration of the 1930s.The jaunt of the land capsizeneck in the opening of the novel is a near direct representation of the travels of th e dust bowl migrants. The turtle, just uniform the migrants, embarks on a slow, yet steady journey in a clear direction with an unclear destination. Both meet some(prenominal) obstacles on the way, the turtle meets a hard to climb embankment, the migrants meet troubles with their cars and terrain. There are those who make the migrants journeys much more impossible such as deputies and salesmen, the turtle meets the truck that closely causes its death. And when the turtle is on its back, just as the migrants lives are void of all hope, slowly, but surely they get themselves upright and back on track.Jim Casey, the retired preacher introduced first in the plot is a symbol of transcendentalism, the idea of the Emersonian over soul, that all people are part of one great spirit, and serves as a the Nazarene figure in the novel. He frequently refers to this single, great soul of the world, maybe all men got one big soul foreverbodys a part of(33). Casys role as a Christ figure in the novel fits very well into the journey of Christ envisioned in the bible. He takes a trek into the woods to sort things out, he followed the Joads on their journey west to help people on the way, I got to go where the folks are goin, and sacrifices himself to the deputy in California to save Floyd and Tom for their aggression against the deputy(127).Symbolism in the Grapes of Wrath essays research written documentDuring the depression of the 1930s, the combined evils of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl drought left many southern farming families landless and weak. Little hope was left for them but to pack up and moved to California, which was widely advertised in circulated handbills that promised work and inspired hope. John Steinbecks epic novel, The Grapes of Wrath tells the story of the migrant farmers travels and what they met at their destination. Intertwined within the plot and the intercalary chapters of the story is a profound use of symbolism in vario us forms and with many meanings. John Steinbeck deeply incorporates symbolism into the characters and plot of The Grapes Of Wrath to convey the adversity and the attitudes of the migrant farmers as well as other people involved in and effected by the dust bowl migration of the 1930s.The journey of the land turtle in the opening of the novel is a near direct representation of the travels of the dust bowl migrants. The turtle, just like the migrants, embarks on a slow, yet steady journey in a clear direction with an unclear destination. Both meet several obstacles on the way, the turtle meets a hard to climb embankment, the migrants meet troubles with their cars and terrain. There are those who make the migrants journeys much more impossible such as deputies and salesmen, the turtle meets the truck that nearly causes its death. And when the turtle is on its back, just as the migrants lives are void of all hope, slowly, but surely they get themselves upright and back on track.Jim Casey, the retired preacher introduced early in the plot is a symbol of transcendentalism, the idea of the Emersonian over soul, that all people are part of one great spirit, and serves as a Christ figure in the novel. He frequently refers to this single, great soul of the world, maybe all men got one big soul everbodys a part of(33). Casys role as a Christ figure in the novel fits very well into the journey of Christ portrayed in the bible. He takes a trek into the woods to sort things out, he followed the Joads on their journey west to help people along the way, I got to go where the folks are goin, and sacrifices himself to the deputy in California to save Floyd and Tom for their aggression against the deputy(127).

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Bush donate a buck to the Africa :: essays research papers

assist IN AFRICA Mission Control - Pres. Bushs plan to triple US spending on fighting AIDS in AfricaPresident Bushs new $15 billion AIDS-fighting initiative for Africa will triple U.S. spending on the crisis. It is a "work of mercy," says Bush-a mission-one undertaken by a " buoyant country" that recognizes its moral responsibility to help the wretched of the earth. Its no surprise that Bush speaks of the plan in the language of religious mission. He himself is a believer, and his termination to commit massive resources to the African catastrophe reportedly was influenced by his meeting with evangelical Christian leaders.We applaud the presidents tender heart for suffering Africans, but we consent he keeps a hard, clear head as the program is implemented-and that he stays in close touch with those evangelicals. As our Rod Dreher reported in NRs last issue, experts have had solid evidence for at least a decade that the only effective way to arrest the HIV infection invest in Africa is with an education program emphasizing abstinence and fidelity, with condoms as a safety net should the first two strategies fail. Uganda, almost alone among African nations, seek this approach, working closely with religious groups preaching traditional morality. Most other African nations followed the condoms-only advice of Western experts. Result HIV infection rates peaked in Uganda in the early 1990s, while the crisis in the rest of Africa raged out of control. Behavioral change is the only thing shown to have worked to bring down HIV infections in Africa.Yet this is the strategy that the vast majority of the Western AIDS establishment-doctors, scientists, public-health bureaucrats, donor organizations, activists-resists with all its might, in large part because it sees this approach as "moralizing." If the president wishes to subdue throwing good money after bad, these experts must not be allowed to continue excluding proven behavior-change strate gies from their AIDS-fighting arsenal. Fully half the budget of the new program will go to pay for anti-retroviral drug therapy for those already suffering from AIDS, which would reduce their infectiousness. This is needed, as are the monies set aside for other medical interventions. (We trust, however, that the administration will work to compel sure that any legislation precludes the possibility that AIDS funding will be diverted to the promotion of abortion.

The Absurdity of Man Essay -- essays research papers

Absurdity is defined as that which is contrary to reason clearly untrue, unreasonable or ridiculous. It is often a issuing in existentialist writings relating to life. This subject is prevalent in Camus The Stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus. Camus depicts absurdity bringing about happiness or indifference in each of these literary works. In The Myth of Sisyphus, it is made clear that Sisyphus is aware that his existence is absurd. He is sentenced to an eternity of rolling a boulder up a steep mountain only to let it roll back down when it reaches its peak. His tragedy lies in the fact that he is conscious of the extent of his own misery. What makes his shinny very absurd is that he knows that there is no death at the end of it. The last sentence in this essay is in itself absurd, after describing the dilemma that Sisyphus eternally faces, Camus exclaims, One must imagine Sisyphus happy. This paradox is upheld because Sisyphus is left refusing to recognize that there is nothing to hope for, and that he must live solely with what is known. Sisyphus salvation is seen in his ongoing struggle against the absurd. In The Stranger, Meursault does not realize his absurd situation until the end of the novel. It is illustrated, however, in his indifference toward life and lack of sensation throughout. In the beginning of the novel, Meursault is seen as a detached observer of life who is devoted to appreciating sensation. His physical wants and needs overpower his reason and...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Forgotten Hero :: essays research papers

From the very beginning of the song, the character Achilles actions, or lack of actions, have grand effects upon how the plot unfolds. Starting with the fight with Agamemnon and his withdrawal from the battle, to the destruction of Patroklos, and finally to the slaying of Hektor, Achilles and his emotions decide the fate of many Greek and Trojan warriors. It is his struggle against his anger, pride, loyalty, and drive in that make this poem one of a tragic nature, rather than just a gruesome account of a war. Although the reputation of Achilles claims him to be the perfect warrior, strongest of the Greeks, the poem doesnt explain if he is the true hero of these events. With all the things he went through, you might wonder why a warrior would take his sword and leave the battleground. Achilles is a true hero, he believes that the attributes of a hero are not warfare, but nobility, pride, fellowship, honor, and respect.The acts that Achilles portrays seem to be childish. He is a m an of noble principles throughout the poem. His line of credit with Agamemnon is a testament to that. When Achilles refuses the gifts of Agamemnon that are offered to him, Achilles shows that his principles rank higher than desire for fame on the battlefield.Achilles goes to Agamemnon and asks him to diminish the girl to her father so the plague will end. He agrees to return her, but he doesnt want to be left empty-handed. He returns Chryseis to her home, and he takes Briseis, a war-prize of Achilles. Achilles is so angry with Agamemnon that he vows to stop helping him fight the Trojans. As the battle goes on, Agamemnon realizes how important Achilles and his Myrmidons are to the Achaean troops. The King of the Greeks then swallows his pride and offers gifts to Achilles if he will come back and help fight. Achilles, however, is so stubborn that he refuses all the gifts and will not allow his troops to fight. When he is offered the gifts he rudely responds, "I hate the man Agam emnon like the very gates of death who says one thing but hides another in his heart. This quote shows how much Achilles is hurt by what Agamemnon has done, and that Achilles took this very seriously toward his pride, that Agamemnon would just take soulfulness away, that meant so much to him.

Essay --

While reading The Best American Comics 2013 I came across Terry Moores written and illustrated Rachel Rising which is an invigorating horror comic excerpt where a beautiful woman named Rachel Beck awakes from a shallow overweight weirdy her way free, mostly dead with no clue how she ended up there or who strangled her to death. The excerpt is a short representation of the near comic series and a must say this is an exhilarating piece of artwork that leaves you away on a cliff hanger, which had me hungry for more. Similarly to the excerpt, e very issue basically ends on a cliff hanger. The story is meant to be long-term, slow-build storytelling, like comic and TV show The Walking Dead. Let me start off by saying there are 3 complete volumes with 6 issues in each of them which include The Shadow of Death, Fear No genus Malus, Cemetery Songs and it doesnt just stop with just those volumes there are more issues still coming out to this day and I think I will keep on reading the m. With that said, the excerpt from The Best American Comics used a small part from the beginning of issue one where Rachel arises from her shallow 6 inch grave but the excerpt continues from the start of the second issue where she meets her Aunt Johnny to convince that she is in deep trouble and someone tried to kill her. in that location is so much story packed in these pages of Rachel Raising that the excerpt did the comic series no justice, there were some details left tongueless and somewhat confusing. The structure and nature of the story dictate that you find yourself a bit confused, the fact that you fight through the confusion to savor the answers is what makes the series a success. Especially with the excerpt being so short, there was not enough information ... ...ned gruesomely, she awakes Rachel from her grave, provokes the little kid Zoe to cause death and mayhem in the townspeople of Mason, but Lilith main objective is REVENGE. It seems that all the main charact ers are women and most of them die and come back from the dead. Little did you know, Rachel was one of the 4 witches from those trials that got the worst of it. Rachel title-holder Jet died too and came back to life the same way Rachel did. The little girl Zoe is actually holding a demon in her body named Malus the root word which means Evil. Malus promised Lilith to obliterate the town of Mason 300 years ago. They are all connect together and sooner or later in the series their complex history finally catches up with them all. Rachel Rising exhilarating horror-comic series that I will continue to read until the very end, I just cant wait to get my hands on the next one.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Cuzco Enterprises/ business plan :: essays research papers

CUZCO ENTERPRISES CORPCUZCO CASUAL WEAR 2                                                   2357 w Diversy Ave                           Chicago IL 60639                          (773) 255-1393                         Fax (773) 448-6779                                     & nbsp    Executive SummaryBy focusing on its heritage and the strength and experience CUZCO CASUAL WEAR 2 allow for continue to enhance their quality, uniqueness, and valuable customer service. o This assembly line of descent plan leads the way. It renews our vision and strategic focus on the quality and value we put in our products and the market segment originally targeted. Our vision has been broadened by the victor we have found in the marketplace, to the extent of adding new products and current plans on additional items and services. It has condition us a step-by-step plan to meet and surmount our goals for increased sales, gross margin, and profitability. o This plan includes this summary, and chapters on the company, products and services, market focus, action plans and forecasts, management team, and financial plan. Objectives 1. Increase sales to more than $100,000 over the next tierce years. 2. Move gross margin to above 55% over the current trade i n line and maintain that level. 3. Add new products such tailoring service, a leather jacket section, and sport wear section. 4. Improve inventory turnover, reduce the damage of goods change while maintaining the high quality of our products5. To provide jobs to the Hispanic familiarity that are rewarding and fulfilling. Business DescriptionMission I am Fausto Cuzco Entrepreneur possessor of Cuzco Enterprises Corp. We are here to provide you with high quality merchandise products, fast service and the most important goal in our enterprising is your " satisfaction" constancy back groundCuzco Enterprises Corp was created in February 2002 by a 29 year old novice young man named Fausto Cuzco. Under this parent name, he opened his first store in a modest mall in south side Chicago, CUZCO CASUAL WEAR 1. Currently my friend Patricia and I own this store. Sales have been growing steadily with the cost of goods sold consistently decreasing. But to make significant headway in thi s area, we need to lose ones temper our business into new territories. Goals and potential of the new venture unceasingly striving to supply what the consumer is asking for, we continually review what is available in the marketplace, and what isnt. Improving on what is available and providing new products and services to the areas of need will sustain our success in a market driven by consumer demand.Cuzco Enterprises/ business plan essays research papers CUZCO ENTERPRISES CORPCUZCO CASUAL WEAR 2                                                   2357 w Diversy Ave                           Chicago IL 60639               &nb sp          (773) 255-1393                         Fax (773) 448-6779                                          Executive SummaryBy focusing on its heritage and the strength and experience CUZCO CASUAL WEAR 2 will continue to enhance their quality, uniqueness, and valuable customer service. o This business plan leads the way. It renews our vision and strategic focus on the quality and value we put in our products and the market segment originally targeted. Our vision has been broadened by the success we have found in the marketplace, to the extent of adding new products and current plans on additional items and services. It has given us a step-by-step plan to meet and exceed our goals for increased sales, gross margin, and profitability. o This plan includes this summary, and chapters on the company, products and services, market focus, action plans and forecasts, management team, and financial plan. Objectives 1. Increase sales to more than $100,000 over the next three years. 2. Move gross margin to above 55% over the current merchandise line and maintain that level. 3. Add new products such tailoring service, a leather jacket section, and sport wear section. 4. Improve inventory turnover, reduce the cost of goods sold while maintaining the high quality of our products5. To provide jobs to the Hispanic community that are rewarding and fulfilling. Business DescriptionMission I am Fausto Cuzco Entrepreneur owner of Cuzco Enterprises Corp. We are here to provide you with high quality merchandise products, fast service and the most important goal in our enterprising is your " satisfaction "Industry back groundCuzco Enterprises Corp was created in February 2002 by a 29 year old novice young man named Fausto Cuzco. Under this parent name, he opened his first store in a small mall in south side Chicago, CUZCO CASUAL WEAR 1. Currently my friend Patricia and I own this store. Sales have been growing steadily with the cost of goods sold consistently decreasing. But to make significant headway in this area, we need to expand our business into new territories. Goals and potential of the new ventureConstantly striving to supply what the consumer is asking for, we continually review what is available in the marketplace, and what isnt. Improving on what is available and providing new products and services to the areas of need will assure our success in a market driven by consumer demand.

Cuzco Enterprises/ business plan :: essays research papers

CUZCO ENTERPRISES CORPCUZCO CASUAL WEAR 2                                                   2357 w Diversy Ave                           Chicago IL 60639                          (773) 255-1393                          telefax (773) 448-6779                                    & nbsp     Executive SummaryBy focusing on its inheritance and the strength and experience CUZCO CASUAL WEAR 2 will continue to enhance their shade, uniqueness, and precious customer service. o This business plan leads the way. It re in the raws our vision and strategic focus on the quality and value we put in our products and the market segment before targeted. Our vision has been broadened by the success we claim found in the marketplace, to the extent of adding new products and current plans on additional items and function. It has given us a gradually plan to meet and exceed our goals for increased sales, gross bound, and profitability. o This plan includes this summary, and chapters on the company, products and services, market focus, action plans and forecasts, management team, and financial plan. Objectives 1. Increase sales to more than than $100,000 over the next three years. 2. Move gross margin to above 55% over the current merchandise line and maintain that level. 3. Add new products such tailoring service, a leather jacket section, and have wear section. 4. Improve inventory turnover, reduce the cost of goods s grey-haired while maintaining the high quality of our products5. To supply jobs to the Hispanic community that are rewarding and fulfilling. work DescriptionMission I am Fausto Cuzco Entrepreneur owner of Cuzco Enterprises bay window. We are here to provide you with high quality merchandise products, fast service and the more or less important goal in our enterprising is your " satisfaction"Industry back groundCuzco Enterprises Corp was created in February 2002 by a 29 year old novice young man named Fausto Cuzco. Under this parent name, he opened his first shop in a small mall in south side Chicago, CUZCO CASUAL WEAR 1. Currently my friend Patricia and I own this store. Sales have been growing steadily with the cost of goods sold consistently decreasing. except to make significant headway in this area, we need to expand our business into new territories. Goals and potence of the new ventureConstantly striving to supply what the consumer is postulation for, we continually review what is available in the marketplace, and what isnt. Improving on what is available and providing new products and services to the areas of need will assure our success in a market driven by consumer demand.Cuzco Enterprises/ business plan essays research papers CUZCO ENTERPRISES CORPCUZCO CASUAL WEAR 2                                                   2357 w Diversy Ave                           Chicago IL 60639                  & nbsp       (773) 255-1393                         Fax (773) 448-6779                                          Executive SummaryBy focusing on its heritage and the strength and experience CUZCO CASUAL WEAR 2 will continue to enhance their quality, uniqueness, and valuable customer service. o This business plan leads the way. It renews our vision and strategic focus on the quality and value we put in our products and the market segment originally targeted. Our vision has been broadened by the success we have found in the marketplace, to the extent of adding new products and current plans on additional items and services. It has given us a step-by-step plan to meet and exceed our goals for increased sales, gross margin, and profitability. o This plan includes this summary, and chapters on the company, products and services, market focus, action plans and forecasts, management team, and financial plan. Objectives 1. Increase sales to more than $100,000 over the next three years. 2. Move gross margin to above 55% over the current merchandise line and maintain that level. 3. Add new products such tailoring service, a leather jacket section, and sport wear section. 4. Improve inventory turnover, reduce the cost of goods sold while maintaining the high quality of our products5. To provide jobs to the Hispanic community that are rewarding and fulfilling. Business DescriptionMission I am Fausto Cuzco Entrepreneur owner of Cuzco Enterprises Corp. We are here to provide you with high quality merchandise products, fast service and the most important goal in our enterprising is your " satisfaction"Industry back groundCuzco Enterprises Corp was created in February 2002 by a 29 year old novice young man named Fausto Cuzco. Under this parent name, he opened his first store in a small mall in south side Chicago, CUZCO CASUAL WEAR 1. Currently my friend Patricia and I own this store. Sales have been growing steadily with the cost of goods sold consistently decreasing. But to make significant headway in this area, we need to expand our business into new territories. Goals and potential of the new ventureConstantly striving to supply what the consumer is asking for, we continually review what is available in the marketplace, and what isnt. Improving on what is available and providing new products and services to the areas of need will assure our success in a market driven by consumer demand.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Genetically Modified Organisms- a Step Ahead or a Step in the Wrong Direction?

genetically special organisms- a step forwards or a step in the upon direction? Paulina Langowska Genetically modified organisms, also known as GMO, are such organisms whose genetic genuine has been artificially sortd using genetic engineering. Genetic engineering, to gift it simply, is altering the DNA technology, using DNA molecules from various organisms and using this molecules to cre consume a brand peeled set of genes. Then the set of genes is added to an organisms genome. Below is shown an ex miscellany of genes in lemon yellow, which is supposed to protect it from various insects.Genetic engineering lav also change the color of the plant, make it resistant to difficult tolerate conditions, insects and viruses. The beginnings of genetic engineering take us back to the year 1973, when the commencement exercise recombinant bacteria- a bacteria that has been genetically modified- was created. It was Escherichia coli, which from that chief on became a popular scienc e laboratory rat used in genetic engineering. This creation led to discussions whether genetic modifications are safe and needed. The first conference when potential health risks were discussed took place in 1975.In late 1980s in the States and Canada began an experimental usage of genetic engineered plants in a littler scale. In 1990s, after the approval for a bigger scale, genetic engineering was to a greater extent widely spread across the countries. From that point on, the interest in genetically modified organisms grew year by year. However, eve though genetically modified organisms have gained population, the benefits of it and its harmlessness is disputable. Researches on lab pets show many harmful consequences.Some scientists decided to attempt and feed rats with genetic engineered potatoes. It was supposed to make them promote their own inwrought insecticide. But the results werent exactly as they were expected. Rats cells developed in a proliferative look and potenti ally cancerous cells. Also, the development of their brain and liver-colored was inhibited and they suffered from an immune carcass damage. Also, early(a) research was done in Russian Academy of Sciences. This time, effeminate rats were fed genetically modified soy onwards and during pregnancy and also hile feeding their offspring. This time, the results included * About 55% of offspring died during 3 weeks after the make (compared to 9% of mortality among those fed with non-genetically modified soy) * exit was significantly smaller compared to other as easy as their organs (heart, liver, kidneys, etc. ) * Both mothers and their children were real aggressive and anxious * When male and female (both manakin genetically modified soy fed mother) were paired, they were unable to conceive children.Although the results of this experiments are to be taken with a grain of salt, they are tacit alarming and move callable to the wide discrepancies between the GM soy fed rats and t he control ones. The health damages effect in rats fed with genetically modified potatoes is fair(a) as much worrying. The resolve rats are used for such experiments is that their morphology and biochemical structures are very(prenominal) similar to the human ones. That is why those experiments, as well as similar ones, provoke an essential drumhead- is genetically modified viands harmful to people.The answer to this question is very disputable. Some scientists claim that genetically modified foods are all told safe and otherwise they wouldnt be approved. But there are many articles about possible harmful effects of genetically modified foods and they cant be ignored. The main concern is allergies. Main aim of nourishting a new set of gene to an organisms genome is to create a new protein and every protein is potentially triggering to allergic reactions. The problem with GM foods is that its protein are completely new and we cant be received about its effect.Truth be told , people (mainly in USA, where genetic engineered food is the most common) often consume GM products without being aware of it- if you live in the USA and ate cheddar cheese in the past few years it is to a greater extent(prenominal) than likely that you ate a genetically manipulated food, since genetic engineering is presently the most successful in cheddar cheese. Some say that genetically modified products they un ordainingly consumed are to stand accused for their new allergies. Other concerns enquire immunity system damage and stunted organ growth, however they are loosely seen in lab pets and are yet to be proved to occur.Another reason why genetic engineering receives so many criticism from the ethical point of view. Because if we can change genes in cheese or potatoes, whats fish filet us from changing genes in people? Scientists and psychologists are afraid that genetic engineering will fail so developed that designing unborn children will happen on a daily basis. Par ents will choose gender, height, hair color etc. From this point theres not much to go to create an artificial world, ruled by genetic engineering, looking like taken out of Huxleys book.Futhermore, genetically modified organisms have a great impact on our environment. One of the problems is gene flow. Gene flow is a natural occurring phenomenon that results in get one organisms DNA and transporting it to other one, be it from the same species or not. Some people are afraid that the engineered genes may spread and grind out other, not modificated, plants. Yet other drawback is that they can be harmful to other organisms. Genetic engineering in plants such as crop is mostly focused on creating a defensive system once against insects.But often, the newly created insecticide can be harmful to other, non-target organisms. Some sources agree that the existence of genetically engineered edible give most commonly found in corn had a negavite impact on population of monarch butterfli es living near the field, because they fed with plants dusted by the pollen from the corn maize. Both these phenomenas can led to destroying natural biodiversity. So this leads us to a question if genetic engineering has so much disadvantages, why is it still done and money is spent for researches?The truth is that horizontal if it has many drawbacks, it still have many advantages that for some people are worth all the effort. shun poster about GM foods One of them is that it is tell to service of process us create food that is much more nutritious. It can be done by inserting a specific genes that are supposed to formulate vitamins etc. to various crops. A well known case is inserting the gene do the vitamin A levels in rice much higher. Rice feeds currently more than 50% of the world population, but is not high in vitamins and other nutrients.Modifying it in such a way that It contains more vitamin A could help slim deficiency resulting in blindness. If it was to be done su ccessfully with other food products it would probably really help with flake the malnutrition in third world or developing countries. Moreover, genetic engineering can decrease crop failure. Crop failure is a very big issue and it is said to increase due to climate changes. Because of them, price of food gets higher, some countries need to ban all the export of some products (for utilization Russia banning wheat export in 2010) and ometimes it even gets so bad country really suffers from famine, especially when we consider developing countries. Thats why GMOs are so tempting to scientist. They hold potential for making plants more resistant to various insects and plant diseases. Some corn produce very much food but dont defend themselves again insects while other that are able to repel insects cannot produce this much food. Therefore, scientists hope that they can unite these to and create a corn and then other plants that repel insects while producing big amounts of food.This al so results in using o plants much less chemicals in order to reduce insect and disease damage. These chemicals ill hurt our environment. Thanks to adoption of genetically engineered of corn, cotton and soybeans during years 1997 and 1998 farmers used 8. 2 million less pounds of chemicals. Furthermore, genetically modified organisms are also more resistant to getting overrun or choked up by weeds and other plants fighting for the same nutrients. This results in weeds dying out, going away room for crop.This and making plants more resistant to insects and diseases makes GMO very profitable. According to some economists, in 2007 farmers made surplus $10 billion due to introducing gnetic engineered plants. Yet another advantage of genetic engineering is the fact that it can help us produce new, far more effective vaccines and medicines. Also they can create another form of them- edible vaccines. The idea is to put medication into some plants genes and distribute it virtually the wor ld so that people eat it and get what they need.Scientists have already developed a transgenic potato, that prevented rats from getting rotavirus and E. coli. Hopefully, this idea will get developed and take in life, because this could help serious health problems, for suit in countries of the third world. To conclude, genetic engineering is a very controversial subject and it surely require more research. But it holds great potential for touch on many issues, many of them considering developing countries and people dying of starvation. Probably, as more and more investigation is done, health problems are going to be solved.Bibliography Pictures (in order of appearance) 1. http//www. ces. ncsu. edu/resources/crops/ag546-1/helixes3. jpg look 8. 05. 2011 author unknown 2. Genetic Roulette The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods Jeffrey M. Smith publishing firm Chelsea Green, 2007 3. http//www. news. cornell. edu/ account/99/5. 20. 99/caterpillars. JPEG date 8 . 05. 2011 Kent Loeffler 4. http//www. anunews. net/ web log/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/aa-frankenfood-cartoon-good-one1. jpg date 8. 05. 2011 author unknown Books and webpages 1. Genetic Roulette The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods Jeffrey M. Smith publisher Chelsea Green, 2007 2. Seeds of deception Exposing industry and government lies about the preventive of the genetically engineered foods youre eating Jeffrey M. Smith, publisher Yes Books, 2003 3. http//www. sciencedaily. com/releases/2010/10/101007092817. htm reprinted from materials provided by Univeristy of Leeds, 7. 10. 2010 (date of publishing) 4. http//www. suite101. com/content/the-benefits-of-genetically-modified-food-crops-a218670 Andy Luttrel 28. 3. 2010 (date of publishing) 5. http//www. ehow. com/list_6019041_advantages-benefits-gmo. html Gregory Hamel 8. 05. 2011 (date of using) 6. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Genetically_modified_organism Yobot 6. 05. 2011 1 . http//www. ces. ncsu. edu/ resources/crops/ag546-1/ 2 . http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Genetically_modified_organismHistory 3 . http//www. seedsofdeception. com/documentFiles/120. pdf 4 . http//www. suite101. com/content/the-benefits-of-genetically-modified-food-crops-a218670Genetically Modified Organisms- a Step Ahead or a Step in the Wrong Direction?Genetically modified organisms- a step ahead or a step in the wrong direction? Paulina Langowska Genetically modified organisms, also known as GMO, are such organisms whose genetic material has been artificially changed using genetic engineering. Genetic engineering, to put it simply, is altering the DNA technology, using DNA molecules from various organisms and using this molecules to create a brand new set of genes. Then the set of genes is added to an organisms genome. Below is shown an exchange of genes in corn, which is supposed to protect it from various insects.Genetic engineering can also change the color of the plant, make it resistant to difficult we ather conditions, insects and viruses. The beginnings of genetic engineering take us back to the year 1973, when the first recombinant bacteria- a bacteria that has been genetically modified- was created. It was Escherichia coli, which from that point on became a popular lab rat used in genetic engineering. This creation led to discussions whether genetic modifications are safe and needed. The first conference when potential health risks were discussed took place in 1975.In late 1980s in USA and Canada began an experimental usage of genetic engineered plants in a small scale. In 1990s, after the approval for a larger scale, genetic engineering was more widely spread across the countries. From that point on, the interest in genetically modified organisms grew year by year. However, even though genetically modified organisms have gained population, the benefits of it and its harmlessness is disputable. Researches on lab pets show many harmful consequences.Some scientists decided to tr y and feed rats with genetic engineered potatoes. It was supposed to make them produce their own natural insecticide. But the results werent exactly as they were expected. Rats cells developed in a proliferative way and potentially cancerous cells. Also, the development of their brain and liver was inhibited and they suffered from an immune system damage. Also, another research was done in Russian Academy of Sciences. This time, female rats were fed genetically modified soy before and during pregnancy and also hile feeding their offspring. This time, the results included * About 55% of offspring died during 3 weeks after the birth (compared to 9% of mortality among those fed with non-genetically modified soy) * Offspring was significantly smaller compared to other as well as their organs (heart, liver, kidneys, etc. ) * Both mothers and their children were very aggressive and anxious * When male and female (both form genetically modified soy fed mother) were paired, they were unable to conceive children.Although the results of this experiments are to be taken with a grain of salt, they are still alarming and disturbing due to the wide discrepancies between the GM soy fed rats and the control ones. The health damages found in rats fed with genetically modified potatoes is just as much worrying. The reason rats are used for such experiments is that their morphology and biochemical structures are very similar to the human ones. That is why those experiments, as well as similar ones, provoke an essential question- is genetically modified food harmful to people.The answer to this question is very disputable. Some scientists claim that genetically modified foods are completely safe and otherwise they wouldnt be approved. But there are numerous articles about possible harmful effects of genetically modified foods and they cant be ignored. The main concern is allergies. Main aim of getting a new set of gene to an organisms genome is to create a new protein and every p rotein is potentially triggering to allergic reactions. The problem with GM foods is that its protein are completely new and we cant be sure about its effect.Truth be told, people (mainly in USA, where genetic engineered food is the most common) often consume GM products without being aware of it- if you live in the USA and ate cheddar cheese in the past few years it is more than likely that you ate a genetically manipulated food, since genetic engineering is currently the most successful in cheddar cheese. Some say that genetically modified products they unwillingly consumed are to stand accused for their new allergies. Other concerns involve immunity system damage and stunted organ growth, however they are mostly seen in lab pets and are yet to be proved to occur.Another reason why genetic engineering receives so many criticism from the ethical point of view. Because if we can change genes in cheese or potatoes, whats stopping us from changing genes in people? Scientists and psych ologists are afraid that genetic engineering will become so developed that designing unborn children will happen on a daily basis. Parents will choose gender, height, hair color etc. From this point theres not much to go to create an artificial world, ruled by genetic engineering, looking like taken out of Huxleys book.Futhermore, genetically modified organisms have a huge impact on our environment. One of the problems is gene flow. Gene flow is a natural occurring phenomenon that results in getting one organisms DNA and transporting it to another one, be it from the same species or not. Some people are afraid that the engineered genes may spread and push out other, not modificated, plants. Yet another drawback is that they can be harmful to other organisms. Genetic engineering in plants such as crop is mostly focused on creating a defensive system against insects.But often, the newly created insecticide can be harmful to other, non-target organisms. Some sources agree that the exis tence of genetically engineered maize most commonly found in corn had a negavite impact on population of monarch butterflies living near the field, because they fed with plants dusted by the pollen from the corn maize. Both these phenomenas can led to destroying natural biodiversity. So this leads us to a question if genetic engineering has so much disadvantages, why is it still done and money is spent for researches?The truth is that even if it has many drawbacks, it still have many advantages that for some people are worth all the effort. Negative poster about GM foods One of them is that it is said to help us create food that is much more nutritious. It can be done by inserting a specific genes that are supposed to produce vitamins etc. to various crops. A well known case is inserting the gene making the vitamin A levels in rice much higher. Rice feeds currently more than 50% of the world population, but is not high in vitamins and other nutrients.Modifying it in such a way that It contains more vitamin A could help reduce deficiency resulting in blindness. If it was to be done successfully with other food products it would probably really help with fighting the malnutrition in third world or developing countries. Moreover, genetic engineering can decrease crop failure. Crop failure is a very big issue and it is said to increase due to climate changes. Because of them, price of food gets higher, some countries need to ban all the export of some products (for example Russia banning wheat export in 2010) and ometimes it even gets so bad country really suffers from famine, especially when we consider developing countries. Thats why GMOs are so tempting to scientist. They hold potential for making plants more resistant to various insects and plant diseases. Some corn produce very much food but dont defend themselves again insects while other that are able to repel insects cannot produce this much food. Therefore, scientists hope that they can combine these to a nd create a corn and then other plants that repel insects while producing big amounts of food.This also results in using o plants much less chemicals in order to reduce insect and disease damage. These chemicals seriously hurt our environment. Thanks to adoption of genetically engineered of corn, cotton and soybeans during years 1997 and 1998 farmers used 8. 2 million fewer pounds of chemicals. Furthermore, genetically modified organisms are also more resistant to getting overrun or choked up by weeds and other plants fighting for the same nutrients. This results in weeds dying out, leaving room for crop.This and making plants more resistant to insects and diseases makes GMO very profitable. According to some economists, in 2007 farmers made additional $10 billion due to introducing gnetic engineered plants. Yet another advantage of genetic engineering is the fact that it can help us produce new, far more effective vaccines and medicines. Also they can create another form of them- e dible vaccines. The idea is to put medication into some plants genes and distribute it around the world so that people eat it and get what they need.Scientists have already developed a transgenic potato, that prevented rats from getting rotavirus and E. coli. Hopefully, this idea will get developed and adopted in life, because this could help serious health problems, for example in countries of the third world. To conclude, genetic engineering is a very controversial subject and it surely needs more research. But it holds great potential for fixing many issues, many of them considering developing countries and people dying of starvation. Probably, as more and more investigation is done, health problems are going to be solved.Bibliography Pictures (in order of appearance) 1. http//www. ces. ncsu. edu/resources/crops/ag546-1/helixes3. jpg date 8. 05. 2011 author unknown 2. Genetic Roulette The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods Jeffrey M. Smith publisher Chelsea G reen, 2007 3. http//www. news. cornell. edu/chronicle/99/5. 20. 99/caterpillars. JPEG date 8. 05. 2011 Kent Loeffler 4. http//www. anunews. net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/aa-frankenfood-cartoon-good-one1. jpg date 8. 05. 2011 author unknown Books and webpages 1. Genetic Roulette The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods Jeffrey M. Smith publisher Chelsea Green, 2007 2. Seeds of deception Exposing industry and government lies about the safety of the genetically engineered foods youre eating Jeffrey M. Smith, publisher Yes Books, 2003 3. http//www. sciencedaily. com/releases/2010/10/101007092817. htm reprinted from materials provided by Univeristy of Leeds, 7. 10. 2010 (date of publishing) 4. http//www. suite101. com/content/the-benefits-of-genetically-modified-food-crops-a218670 Andy Luttrel 28. 3. 2010 (date of publishing) 5. http//www. ehow. com/list_6019041_advantages-benefits-gmo. html Gregory Hamel 8. 05. 2011 (date of using) 6. http//en. wikipedia. org/wi ki/Genetically_modified_organism Yobot 6. 05. 2011 1 . http//www. ces. ncsu. edu/resources/crops/ag546-1/ 2 . http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Genetically_modified_organismHistory 3 . http//www. seedsofdeception. com/documentFiles/120. pdf 4 . http//www. suite101. com/content/the-benefits-of-genetically-modified-food-crops-a218670

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Different businesses and their ownerships Essay

Introduction-The offer of this report is to look at economic development matters and what encourages impertinently stockes to locate to a new origin park. I will be investigating ii contrasting fe ares that will create new jobs in the topical anesthetic economy. For the voluntary sector I engage chosen Oxfam and for the private sector I bewilder chosen Topshop.I get chosen Topshop and Oxfam as my two contrasting businesses. Topshop is a young girls and womens robes shop. This business is international and has stores all everywhere the country. Topshop has 300 stores they atomic add together 18 still incuring and expanding. The owner of Topshop owns some otherwise retail shops like Miss Selfridge and Dorothy Perkins. Topshop is part of Arcadia, a public limited company is owned by sh areholders, which may be members of the public. Their shares can be bought and change on the stock exchange. Topshop is run by a board of directors. These people make the major decisions within the business.They have limited liability this marrow if the business gets into debt and cannot present it, the business will get sued. This is known as incorporation. The shareholders personal assets cannot be taken to pay the debt they are then only liable for how a safe deal they have invested in the business. The purpose of Topshop is to sell range of clothes for the public to demoralise, also to make pay. Oxfam is an international charity that was founded in 1942 in England. This organisation provides stand by to poor countries and disaster unnatural areas. The purpose of this contrasting business is to supporter people rebuild lives working on long term projects with communities determined to protagonist ensure they have a better future.Topshop have their own produces and objectives, their aims areProfit and win maximisation they want to make as much profit as they canSurvival- they as a business want to be able to survive within the clothes industry and no t fail because other businesses similar to them are opening up. Growth- they also want to be able to grow and expand their business and set up more stores in diverse part of the world to maximise their profit.Their SMART objectives areSMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, and Realistic, time Constrained. Their objectives areSpecific because Topshop will only aim to focus on habilitate and fashion accessories particularly directed at women. Measureable in this context will mean that Top shops market share can be easily assessed and get to know of their changing needs and wants. Achievable because their business strategies can be stretched to achieve the desired market share. Realistic would be whether they are actually achievable or not. Time constrained will mean they will achieve all the objectives by a certain time.Oxfam also have their own aims and objectives, their aims areOxfams aims areTo help people in poor countries and relieve povertyHelp provide education fo r people who are in need of itThey take donations like toys and clothes, and then they sell on for bullion and all the money goes to that charity.Raise money and encourage charitable giving.Oxfams objectives includeTo provide clean hospitalsTo be caring and welcoming to new peopleTo be well organisedGive the best possible treatment they canGive as much advice as they canWithin Topshop on that point are a number of different stakeholders which cultivate the purpose of the business. The purpose of Topshop is to provide good products for customers and also to provide a good service. A stakeholder is anyone with an interest in a business. These can be individuals, groups or organisations and they are affected by the activity of the business.Topshops stakeholdersCustomers-The businesses aims are set to please the customers and live up the customer expectations. The customers of Topshop expect high quality and value for money clothes and products. They also expect the latest fashion t rends and to look good in them as they are paying so much. Topshop as a big robes shop are aiming to make the working conditions better for the people that are producing their products so then the customers know the clothes have been made in good working conditions which is a benefit . If the customers at Topshop didnt get what they wanted, they could go elsewhere. Therefore customers have an watch over how Topshop run their business.Employees-Topshop need employees to help the business to expand and open a range of stores. Employees can influence Topshop by contacting their trade unions if theyre not happy with their working conditions. Their point of view would be to make sure they have good rates of pay, good working conditions, contract of employment sick pay and holiday entitlements.Suppliers-For Topshop to make enough profit to keep the business running, they will need suppliers to be able to buy products and sell them to customers. Without suppliers the business wouldnt sur vive.Owners-Owners are shareholders in the business, people that have invested in Topshop. If Topshop didnt have shareholders then the business wouldnt run as well.Trade unions-Its an organisation which supports workers when they are in disputes with their employees over the rates of pay they are getting or working conditions they are in. If the manager of the business does not agree with the trade unions or employees then Topshop could lose provide over this. Local communitiesThe community may shop in Topshop as its the closest store to them. This will influence Topshop by having local customers who may unendingly have a quick look in their store when they have time. This will increase profit forTopshop.Government-They make all the laws which Topshop have to stick to. This means if they dont stick to these laws they could get fined and loses customers over. In conclusion, some stakeholders will have a much bigger influence compared to the others. For example staff could go elsewh ere and find a new job and work there instead. Oxfams stakeholdersCustomers-Customers in Oxfam will buy products and the money made will go to the charity then gets passed on the people to provide them with foods, clothes etc. If Oxfam didnt have customers then they wouldnt be able to raise money and help people that are in need of education, clothes and food and water.Employees Oxfam needs employees to help the commerce to expand its self and open more stores up around the world. Also they would need staff to help achieve their aims and objectives. The employees that work at Oxfam are volunteers and they dont get paid. If they dont have employees then the business wouldnt be able to raise money for the charity.Suppliers-They have two types of suppliers, members of the general public who donate second hand goods. They influence Oxfam because if they didnt donate to this organisation then Oxfam as a charity wouldnt be able to stock their shops. The second types of suppliers have medi cal supplies which help people in third world countries.Owners-Oxfam is a charity and as such does not have owners but trustees who help to keep the organisation on track with its aims and purpose. Local communities-Local community donate and buy goods from the charity. They influence Oxfam because they buy goods of them and if they didnt Oxfam wouldnt be able to achieve their target of make money to give to that charity.Government The government make laws and legislation which Oxfam must follow. Theyinfluence them because Oxfam may have to change the way they work and how they run the business. In conclusion, the stakeholders of Oxfam have a big influence on the business and how they run the business. For example, employees have the biggest amount of influence because if the business doesnt have enough staff they wouldnt be able to expand the business and create more stores around the world to raise more money. Both organisations have a number of different stakeholders. Each of th e stakeholders will have a level of influence on the businesses. Some stakeholders will have more influence than others. The stakeholders that I signify would have the most influence in Topshop would be customers, employees, government and shareholders. Topshops main aim is to make a profit. Customers in Topshop want the latest mod clothes at reasonable prices. They also expect high quality products that last the season.If Topshop introduced clothes that did not meet their customers expectations then sales would decrease and Topshop would not be able to achieve their aims and objectives as they wouldnt be making enough money to make a profit. Employees that work in Topshop have an influence on the businesses aims and objectives because if they didnt have employees to work in the stores then they wouldnt meet their aims and objectives as a business because people have any to buy the product off. Also employees are needed widely for expanding the business to different part of the wo rld and opening more of the stores. The government also have a big influence on Topshops business aims and objectives as they make all the laws for not only that business but other businesses too and if the business doesnt follow or stick to those rules then they will get fined and could have a bad reputation created which would have negative influences on them as current customers may be put off buying products from them and go to one of their competitors close by like New Look or River Island.Shareholders are the last of the four stakeholders I think have a big influence on Topshops aims and objectives. They are important because the store wouldnt grow and expand if they didnt have owners. Both organisations have a number of different stakeholders. Each of the stakeholders will have a level of influence on the businesses. Some stakeholders will have more influence than others. The stakeholders that I think would have the most influence in Oxfam would be volunteers, customers. I th ink volunteers would have a big influence on the businesses aims andobjectives for Oxfam because without volunteers, the stores wouldnt be able to run and that means the charity would have money donated for the charity. Oxfam is not out there to make a profit the business would be struggling not because of them not making a profit as there wouldnt be anyone to work in the shops.Customers are very important in the influence of Oxfams aims and objectives as the business wants to have second hand goods handed in from the customers and then people will buy the second hand goods if they know the money is going to charity. If the customers werent coming into the charity shops then this would affect their aim to raise money because there is no-one to buy the products. Overall, I know that within the two contrasting businesses I have described above, they both have a number of different stakeholders that have an influence on their businesses aims and objectives.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Research Is Like Cooking Essay

Research is standardised cooking isnt anyone can learn the skills packed for great seek, for many college students, cooking is like look in another way, instead of cooking great homemade repasts who is sometimes take shortcuts and sell for what is quick easy in familiar, sort of like when we implement our old familiar tools like google and Wikipedia for our question.Why do we take shortcuts and settle for males of ramen noodles and pop tarts, there a lot of reasons, sometime were just too industrious dont involve enough time to cook a formal meal, sometimes we leave things to the last minute anymore stuck making a meal with whatever we have on hand, with research we found that students advise others students to start early, so that they are stuck writing a research paper with exactly the resources they can specify the night before the papers did many of the same guidelines that apply to cooking apply to doing research, in cooking as in research you have to plan ahead and kn ow what you want to make, good cooking and good research both depend on quality ingredients, to write a great research proposal you will need to find high quality resources and just like you can take a leak a full meal out of only a few ingredients you need a variety of resources to craft a convincing research proposal.Fin anyy just like the scoop out restaurants in the city, such as Altavista or/and Altagracia restaurant make meals that they themselves would want to eat, you will find you do your best research when you pick a motif that you care about, a big part of planning ahead is knowing what you are making, you have to have a recipe, the same is true for writing a research proposal, you have to have a topic in a general plan for what kind of paper you want to write an outline of your research argument can serve as your recipe and it will have the added value of telling you what kinds of resources and ingredients you need to write your proposal.The next step to follow is to go shopping, just like you turn your recipe into a shopping list, you need to turn your research outline into a list of the type of resources you need, by creating a shopping list you are taking control of the kinds of resources that you will use in your research proposal instead of just settling for what you can find a way you have on hand and remember that the researcher doing is likely to require more than just books, you may need newspaper diary articles or you may want to consult some items in your library. One very important step in both cooking and research is the savvy testing stage. Great chefs do lots of taste testing so that they can find just the writing the ingredients, but in the older making you need to do the same for your research, you should plan in looking at plenty of books articles in abstracts before you settle on the resources that you actually need.Now you have your recipe and all the ingredients you need, it is time to create your meal. Remember that a gre at recipe calls for the chef of mix the ingredients together, just right so that they work together to create the final product, the same is true with the research proposal, you cant just throw your resources into your paper, you need to suit the size them and relate them to one another and you need you to put your own garnish on your meal, put your own voice in your research proposal, so that is not just a summary of all your sources, if you remember the research is like cooking and then a requires a planning a recipe and great ingredients, you will produce research that is like the equivalent that you do a great meal.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Popular Culture: Effects of Big Corporations on Society Essay

The field of business plays an important role in the economies of various countries as well as the financial robustness of the world market. In this realm, largish corporations guide longr responsibilities in steering the direction of the economy in terms of the decisions that they make and the trading operations that they do. Their influence is non merely over other smaller corporations or companies because they also have a great impact in the social club. These large corporations feign the society in numerous routes especially when it comes to the different means by which they approach their clients in marketing their products or serve.However, the impact of these corporations still need to be analyzed especially on how they shape the society at large. There argon observable advantages and disadvantages that big corporations have over the general common that must be given due attention. It is the aim of this paper to identify and discuss the role of large corporations in the society. In line with this, the part that big corporations contribute in the field of business and in sustaining the needs and wants of the public will also be emphasized.Furthermore, the methods that just about of these companies use in their business operations like commercials, advertisements, and mainstream media will also be accounted for. Lastly, the impact and effects of large corporations and the means that they use will also be assessed in terms of how it cut back the trends and fads in the society as well as how an individual view his or her self. mammoth Corporations Despite the feeling of some people with get winds to the behaviour and sensory system of operation of large corporations, they cannot deny that this institution also have a contribution in the society.These corporations are mainly responsible in the material wellbeing of most people. It is through the services and products that they render that the public could be able to have their necessities lik e food, clothing, and shelter. Almost all corporate employees work everyday in order to cater to the needs and wants of the people. This kind of situation is very observable in the current society wherein almost everything in the lives of most individuals involves corporate business.The corporations have its faults and failures but the fact still remains that the corporation is an efficient institution that was created by human beings for the purpose of distributing resources for individuals usage (Bishop). However, the corporations efficiency in doing its purpose comes with a cost. Some people are saying that in order for the corporation to function the society must give this institution the border when it comes to societal constraints so that they can pursue material ends.Having the freedom from political, moral, and ethical concerns has largely benefited these corporations but these have been a source of frustration by most governmental and social organizations. Serious concerns have resulted in the leniency that corporations has such as pollution, environmental degradation, product disposal, natural resource depletion, worker welfare, urban putrefaction as well as the long-term health effects from their improper waste management. According to Bishop Rooke, these issues are indeed important and must be right away address.However, if the corporations were not given the freedom with regards to societal constraints then this would dampen the development of the modern industrial society. The World of Marketing Baker regards marketing as a field of discipline and an endeavour which existed for a considerable amount of time in the world to date but remains to be something that still brings bewitchment and wonders to todays organizations (3). The primary goal and focus of the efforts of marketing is to inform the people with regard to the products and services (Steinberg 1).For large corporations, this is used in launching the products and services that they have and introducing it to their target market with the idea that the population from the said group should be enticed to buy the product that is being presented. This serves as the connection between the companies and the society wherein the former infuses several values to the latter through the use of different forms of media such as that of the television, the radio, the internet, the newspapers, and other print and visual forms so long as it allows them to create an image for the products.In doing so, the companies are able to make their corresponding contribution to the hot last of the society. As previously mentioned, there are genuine values that are sent with the marketing efforts of the companies. In identifying the relationship between popular culture and the different forms of marketing campaigns that affect it, it is important to define what popular culture means. McGowan and Kitson defines popular culture as entertainment that is produced by the culture industries, composed of symbolic content, mediated widely, and consumed with pleasure (138).Popular Culture and Marketing of Large Companies The relationship between popular culture and the marketing of large companies may be seen as ii-fold. Popular culture serves as the sources of ideas for the marketing efforts of the large companies. meet the same, the biases that are contained within the marketing activities, such as advertising, commercials, and mainstream media, also affect and revolve back into the popular culture of the society. The latter relationship between the two serves as the focus of the next discussion.Several forms of technological advances today has allowed the large companies to create images within their advertisements, which may or may not reflect what is real. age deception could be seen as an element of the marketing efforts and activities, people could not easily filter this easily. These images created by the large companies easily circulate in culture (Schroeder 7) . This is because of the ease that is associated with technological advancements to reach a wider set of audience and deliver their messages with much impact.A classic example of how the media has affected the popular culture is the way the concept of beauty is reflected and perceived by people. For example, companies such as Max Factor and Ponds, large corporations which deal with products related to aesthetics, are giving much stress on beauty that adheres to the standards of the white Europeans and Americans (Moreno 137). It is important to note that since these large companies caters to international consumers, they are able to affect the perceptions of people from outside the European and American countries with regard to beauty.The result is a notion created that people need to be white, tall, slim, and adopt the characteristics of people from these countries in order to become beautiful. In a aesthesis, the advertisements and the commercials launched by the large companies have limited the images of beauty and make a limited sense of the values and characteristics that people should accept. Along with this, discrimination is felt by those who are not able to follow the trends set by the marketing campaigns of the large companies.Likewise, the very nature of these companies, wherein they are capable of making big initiatives, are financially stable, and are able to establish their names and credibility, has strengthened their impact with that of the society. To a certain extent, their words are seen as something that people follow because they have created a sense of influence and are seen as leaders in the industries to which they belong. Conclusion Large companies have affected the society in several ways.First, they have made their organizations operable and answerable to the different societal concerns. This is brought about by the need for them to abide by the principles of corporate social responsibility. Second, they have affected the popular c ulture such that their marketing efforts have led them to send messages and images that are accepted by the society. It is important for the people to filter these images. Likewise, it is necessary that a review of the ethical conducts of the companies is maintained.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Erik Erikson Stages of Human Development Essay

Erik Erikson sets of human development with a particular approach of the Identity crisis of adolescence and implications for youthfulness policy and practice.Erik Eriksons developmental stages The Adolescence Identity Crisis approach.They say is human to experience a long barbarianhood, but is also civilised to have an even longer childhood as it leads the person to achieve to a greater extent technical and mental abilities kn feature as virtuoso at the same time it crapper also leave a long resi overdue of immaturity and emotional confusion (Erikson, 1994- Erik Hamburger Erikson, 1902-1994).In the collected works there was a researcher who spent a mete out of time studying about human development and his name was Erik Erikson most of Eriksons work is based on real sprightliness situations such as the war and human depression which could influence the behaviour of one person, the author believed that the culture one individual lives in is also influencing their behaviour as an modelling of such arguments is Eriksons study Sioux Indians investigated in a reservation. Erikson argued that the human behaviour is influenced by the body interactions, by the human mind and the overall cultural influences (Marcia, 1966). Erikson create a theory which states that there are eight major stages in the human development dividing the openhandedhood developmental stages into young adults, middle age adults and elder adults experience.The first stage Erikson described is the Infancy starting from birth up to 18 months also called the Oral Sensory stage and the main(prenominal) concept of the stage is emphasising the importance of love and care given to an baby by their cause as well as the visual contact and touch as the forms of parley and emotional exchange this stage is also known as Trust versus Mistrust which stands for the infants basic needs accomplishment as when the infants needs are fulfilled by the mother as the role model the child provide form trust and confidence where as if the basic needs such as visual contact are not offered by the mother it can lead the infant to develop doubt in the closest person due to the lack of positive communication (Oswalt, 1995-2012).The second stage starts at 2 and continues up to 4 years sometime(a) is also known as the Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt which stands for the fact that the child is actually asking if their person is ok and accepted by the others due to the fact that he starts to explore the close environment and gains motor abilities at this stage the children are developing their first interests and the parents still play a primeval role in encouraging and supporting the childs autonomy and independency skills (Erikson, 1970).The third stage is also known as the Preschool stage enterprise versus Guilt starting at 4 until the child reaches 5 years old and although is a short stage the child development is significant as they start to master the nearest environment by achieving basic learning skills of biography for instance the child learns that the things are falling down and not up. At this stage the child develops a authorized level of independency and courage but at the same time they can develop some prohibit behaviour such as frustration, rudeness or aggressive intentions (Erikson, 1993).Between 5 and 12 years old is the stage of Indus try versus Inferiority when the child is asking if they have a pip in the world and becomes much aware of the fact that they are individuals, become more responsible, start to share more and to cooperate better in certain situations as they understand the meaning and moxie of life to a deeper extend, at the same time the child discovers impudently talents and interests (Erikson, 1980). The fifth stage is the Adolescence starting at 13 up to 19 years old also known as Identity versus Role cloudiness which stands for the crisis the teenager might experience when identifying their own personality it is the most critical period as it could influence the person s life as it is characterised by confusion in most cases, it forget be critically appreciated in the last part of the essay.The sixth stage is the young adulthood starting at 20 up to 40 years old also called Intimacy versus Isolation, period governed by the conflict of love. Although, at this stage the indistinguishability crisis is coming to an end, the young adult can isolate because of the intimacy need and the fear of being rejected by the groups, overall the stage refers to the persons need of finding the right partner for life (Erikson, 1990).The middle adulthood starts at 40 up to 64 years and is also known as Generativity versus Stagnation and is characterised by the adult intention and concern of helping and guiding the younger generation so the main focus of the adult is to contribute towards social club development by offering support to the new generation (Erikson, 1980).The last stage described by Erikson is called the late adulthood starting at 65 till death also known as the Ego Integrity versus Despair when the adult is meditating upon their life events and what they have achieved throughout the life, if they realise that their life has been successfully pull up stakes form integrity if not it can lead to despair and the feeling of failure (Erikson, 1980). One of the Eriksons most talked stages of human development is the Adolescence which main focus is the teenagers concern about how they look, how they are interpreted and accepted by their peers, friends and groups (Marcia, 1976).Erikson claims that in the late stage of adolescence the teenager develops a informal identity which will define them as a person for their coming(prenominal) life the teenager makes a transition from the child to adult life which will actually mark their future roles in the parliamentary procedure. The first stage of the transition is marked by the confusion of who the teenager wants to become, who they are at the moment and how will they be accepted by the society as an example of such uncertainty is the teenagers preoccupation to fit into small jobs, they will try different roles such as babysitting or catering assistants until they will decide what they want to become in the future.Erikson claimed that eventually the teenager achieves a sense of identity but before that there is a crisis and a confusion stage which influences the teenagers future decisions and interests the period is critic as it can lead the teenager into bad groups, drugs, violence and other dangers since they are really confused and easy influenced so the parents must support and guide them towards the right channel (Marcia, 1980).Erikson believes the transition is marked by the identity crisis which makes the stage unique as it becomes a synthesis of earlier stages and a kind of anticipation for the adulthood life as the youth stage is a bridge between child and adult experience (Fletcher and Branen, 2009).The sta ge is a radical change in legal injury of puberty, ability to search and find own life directions, awareness development of the society meanings and roles the teenager is challenged to try out boundaries for themselves and this is when their identity crisis becomes hard to deal with, but Erikson believes the society will help and guide the adolescent to find their own way by offering different experiences which will impact the teenagers interests and will define who they want to become as adults(Erikson, 1980).The theorist claims the identity crisis might be prolonged for some individuals due to the society and because it takes time to achieve certain life skills, personal interests and form a clear overview of the adult life, so there is no exact deadline for the teenager to create a life strategy, but Erikson thinks that by the age of 18 to 20 the adolescent must know their own interests and head to a certain direction in life gaining a psychological and social stability (Fletch er and Branen, 2009).Finally, Erikson thinks that the major impact and influence on a teenager identity crisis is the sociological environment the person lives in and the youth culture existing in that specific society, although the youth culture might be particular from a country to another or from a public life to another, overall the youth policy needs to be SMART which stands for systematic, measurable, achievable, reliable and time related so that it will help the teenager to establish their own direction more clearly and investigate the opportunities they might have within the adult world (Kail and Cavanaugh, 2004).The way a teenager experiences the transition period impacts the future psychological, sociological and youth developmental skills, so Erikson believes it is fundamental what kind of tools the society and mostly the youth environment offers to the adolescent so they can choose from and establish their future path in terms of career opportunities, personality defini tion and overall place in the society (Oswalt, 1995-2012).As the essay showed, Erikson made a comprehensive induction in the human developmental stages emphasising the meaning and role of each stage the infancy is governed by the love and care offered by the mother to the child, as the child grows up they become more independent and, have bigger autonomy but yet they are uncertain about their place in the world as the second stage described, at the age of preschool the child learns the basic skills and define their ego in order to become more responsible with own interests and talents towards the fourth stage.The fifth stage is governed by confusion as is the adolescence identity crisis when the teenager decides their future path, as a young adult the person will be interested in making a family and ensure they are loved the middle age adult will be concerned in offering guidance, support and advice to the new generation of children but towards the late adult stage we saw that the r etired person is concerned about their life events and motivated to meditate upon their life cycle.ReferencesElkind, D. (2004). Erik Eriksons Eight Ages of Men. Module III Teaching Supplemental Handouts. Erikson, E. (1970). Reflections on the dissent of contemporary youth. International diary of Psychoanalysis. 51 (11-12). Erikson, E. (1980). Identity and Life Cycle. New York WW Norton and Company. Erikson, E. (1993). Childhood and Society. New York WW Norton and Company, 242. Erikson, E. (1994). Biography Lecture Notes and Ego Psychologists. PSY (345). Kail, R. and Cavanaugh, J. C. (2004). Human Development a life span view (3rd Edition). Belmont CA Thomson/Wadsworth, 16. Marcia, J. E. (1966). Development and validation of ego identity statuses. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 3 (551-558). Marcia, J. E. (1976). Identity six years after a follow-up study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 5 (145-160). Marcia, J. E. (1980). Identity in Adolescence. Handbook of Adolesce nt Psychology. New York Wiley. Oswalt, A. (1995-2012). Erik Erikson and self identity. Edited by Zupanick Psychology Department MSW.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Diary of a Water Molecule

My parents are dead. Actually they Just disappeared. I heard them talking round getting warm and then they just disappeared. I heard few older water molecule calling it evaporation. I did not like the sound of it but I had to find my parents. My friend from each one agreed to swear out me. Today we were watching sharks attack a school of salmon when it happened, I felt weirdness. Everything started to warm up, like my parents had said. Each felt It too. Looks like we were going to melt down together. Other water molecule started to go up nearly us and then we were floating. sidereal day 2 Condensation- After floating around with Each, asking close to whoremonger and Lana Caches (my parents), we sensed a chill in the air. Each and I decided to get other molecules and huddle for warmth or condensate. Now there were intimately fifty molecules all around us I could ask. But then I fell asleep. Day 3 Precipitation- Our cloud has been slowly moving. It getting a lot colder, I th ink we are moving into the Arctic. I still havent lost hope in finding my parents. I was asking the water molecules around me. Since there were new water molecules Joining us I never ran UT of people.I even met my uncle Gary, but he didnt know anything. then(prenominal) Each and I started to sink. But before we did we turned to lead by the nose. Then we fell or precipitate on a state called Pennsylvania. Day 4 -Percolation- I landed on a manoeuvre. Some kids were outside In a bunch of clothing. I think they were playing In the snow. Then I started to percolate Into the tree. Day 5 ? Transpiration-while In the tree I met a leaf. He said that he saw my father a day of two ago. It was my first lead. I asked him the fasted flair out. He said that it was to pass off though him.Each explained how it was actually called transpiration. Suddenly I was doing it I was following in my fathers footsteps. Day 6 ? Snow- was again snow on the ground. I could really move so I was afraid that my father was getting away from. I had to keep going. Each was falling john because he met his cousin Sarah and he was explaining what he was trying to accomplish. I was going to meet up with him later. Day 7- Run-Off- While I was snow It started to rain. Suddenly I started to run-off Into a stream, Each was right beside me.We stayed in the stream for a long time before it got rough. Day 8- Ground Water- The stream got to rough that I and Each splashed out. We then sank Into the ground becoming ground water. Then a pipe took us to a kinsfolk that needed water. I had heard about this. When the house we were at needed water we would come out and supply them. I was fine with this except the fact that we could get needed in the shower. not where I wanted to go. Suddenly we were moving and I was praying. We ended up going into a water pitcher. Then the guy poured this mixInto us. We were Ice tea. He was about to drink us when, who I think was his older brother, upped the pitcher. Each and I spilled all over the floor. We were change of location towards the sink with two other water molecules. Day 9- Corners- When we landed in the sink me and the other three water molecules. We went down the drain and we poured In to the ocean, It was huge and salty. I turned to the two molecules that we drained with. I asked them if they knew who John and Lana Caches are. They turned to me very slowly. Diary of a Water MoleculeBy inchoation them talking about getting warm and then they Just disappeared. I heard some older warm up, like my parents had said. Each felt it too. Looks like we were going to Ion and Lana Caches (my parents), we sensed a chill in the air. Each and I decided to the Arctic. I still havent lost hope in finding my parents. I was asking the water out of people. I even met my Uncle Gary, but he didnt know anything. Then Each and outside in a bunch of clothing. I think they were playing in the snow. Then I started to percolate into the tree.Day 5 Transpiration- while in the tree I met a leaf. He said footsteps. Day 6 Snow- I was again snow on the ground. I could really move so I was snow it started to rain. Suddenly I started to run-off into a stream, Each was right into the ground becoming ground water. Then a pipe took us to a house that needed into us. We were ice tea. He was about to drink us when, who I think was his older brother, tipped the pitcher. Each and I spilled all over the floor. We were traveling poured in to the ocean, it was huge and salty. I turned to the two molecules that we

Monday, May 20, 2019

Contemporary Social Work Theory and Issues Essay

Assignment TitleTo what extent can cordial work be adequately conceptually understood in term of a position at the interface between loving elimination and accessible inclusion body?To what extent can amicable work be adequately conceptually understood in terms of a position at the interface between societal excision and affectionate inclusion?According to the International Federation of fond doers (IFSW) the favorable work profession promotes the potency and liberation of citizenry to enhance wellbeing. Utilising theories of human behaviour and mixer systems, sociable work intervenes at the points where slew interact with their environments (IFSW, 2000). However the kindly work usance is questioned, in both its operational onward motion, and in terms of where it is positioned at the interface of individuals that are excluded and included within todays hostelry. This essay will aim, use relevant theories and concepts, to provide the opinion of the author, regar ding their belief of how the complaisant work place is delivered, and moreoer, grasp an understanding of where this role is located, either works with the companionablely excluded or leaning towards the concept of inclusion.The term social exclusion was coined in France by Rene Lenoir in 1974, (Gore, 1995, Silver, 1995, Haan, 1998, cited in Islam, 2005 4) and, in his opinion, referred to people who were omitted from employment-based social security systems. His reference to the excluded consisted of the mentally and physically handicapped, suicidal people, successiond individuals, abused children, drug addicts, delinquents, single parents, multi-problem households, marginal asocial persons and other social misfits (Silver, 1994-95 532). accessible exclusion did not replace poverty as a concept but referred to the broader process of social disintegration an increase rupture of the bond between the individual and society (Islam, 2005 4). As Lenoir suggests, social exclusion transpires in many habituss race, poverty and deprivation, employment, and stratum, and retains varied definitions.According to Sheppard (2006), the best definition that provides an understanding of all the dimensions of social exclusion was submitted by the Child Poverty Action Group (Walker and Walker, 1997, cited in Sheppard, 2006) social exclusion refers to the kinetic process of being shut out, fully or partially, from any of the social, economic, political and cultural systems which determine the social integration of society. However, the model of social exclusion has only been in use in the UK for a relatively short time, and its extensive practice could indicate that it describes a phenomenon that already existed, but lacked a commensurate name (Page 2000 4). Marx, for ensample, refers to the underclasses in contemporary capitalist society. According to Marx members of the proletariat are compelled to sell their labour motive to the bourgeoisie in order to attain for themselves the means to their own subsistence (Ashley and Orenstein, 1998).Marx was aware of the growth of the middle classes, locate at the interface of proletariat on the one side and the bourgeoisie on the other, so increasing the security and power of the upper class. Subsequently this produced a different division of the working class, Marxs lumpenproletariat, for example the migrant population, the indigents, the unemployed and those in poverty and deprivation, individuals that today would be the termed socially excluded. According to Marx, class structures are primary in determining the main social classes, the focal forms of struggle within societies, and the life experiences of people in these classes. However, secondary forms of inequality and oppression occur within each class, and these whitethorn take the form of racial and ethnic inequalities, or gender inequalities. Marxist feminists argue that, within any class, women are slight advantaged than men in their acces s to material goods, power, status, and possibilities for self-actualisation and the causes of this inequality lie in the organisation of capitalism itself (Ritzier, 1992 468-9)., However, as Marxist theory distillates on class division, and is concentrated on the macro level only, this view of societal Works position at the interface of exclusion and inclusion is not conclusive. The Social Worker would be gather inn as working more in line with the lumpenproletariat and not providing services to the proletariat and for certain not the bourgeoisie, therefore places social work at the heart of the excluded and not the included. Moreover as social work from the Marxist perspective, is placed firmly within the macro level, the individualism and person centred approach that the social worker aims to provide the leaf node cannot be fulfilled, as to do so would mean to be working at the little level which the Marxist view discounts. The Functionalist stance referencing the concept of social exclusion is to describe a group, or groups, of people who are excluded from the normal activities of their society in multiple ways, thus deviating from their societies norms of behaviour (Sheppard, 2006).A functionalist perspective of social exclusion is, therefore, focussed upon the excluded persons being deviant and non- conforming to social norms. However, foreign the Marxist perspective, the Functionalist would concentrate on the social worker operational on the macro and the micro level, working with the individual, and also taking the clients wider social systems in to account, for example family, friends, school and working environment. Emile Durkheim (1858-1917), and later Talcott Parsons (1951), suggests that societies were social systems, made up of interrelated social elements, and that these systems were moral entities. Durkheim and Parsons argue that all human associations give build up to expectations in patterns of conduct, therefore producing restrictions on how a person should or shouldnt behave. Hence emerges collective intellect which, in turn, constrains an individual and obliges them to act in particular ways (Cuff, Sharrock and Francis, 1992).One way is that norms effectively chink individuals above all through their moral authority, relatively independent of any instrumentally significant consequences of conformity with them (Parsons 1951, p. 37). The other is that there is a tendency for individuals to develop and maintain attachment to the same integrated system of norms and to husking solidarity in the pursuit of shared goals (Parsons 1934 295, Peacock 1976 265). The Functionalist, therefore, would suggest that social work is very much touch on with the deviants in society, the individuals that do not conform to societys norms. However this notion too could be contested, as, if the social work profession concerns itself with the deviants of society, the client could be at risk from labelling and of being further exclud ed by the social worker themselves.Sheppard (2006), asserts that social work is, in fact, exclusionary and that social workers cannot engage in integration and inclusion because its innate functions involve labelling and marginalising people ( Sheppard, 2006). Functionalism also neglects the negative functions of an event, much(prenominal) as divorce, and does not encourage people to take an active role in changing their social environment, even when such change may benefit them. Conflict Theory also sees society as a social system, but unlike Functionalism who perceives society held unneurotic by social consensus or cohesion, Conflict Theory interprets society as held together through conflict and coercion. From this perspective, society is made up by competing interest groups, some more hefty than others (Andersen and Taylor, 2008). When Conflict Theorists look at society, they see the social domination of subordinate groups through the power, authority, and coercion of prevai ling groups. Randall Collins (1941) suggests that power and status are fundamental relational dimensions at the micro level of social interaction and perhaps at the macro level as well.Collins concludes that coercion and the ability to world power others to behave a certain way are the primary earth of conflict in society (Turner, 2000). Therefore in the conflict view, the elite members of the dominant groups create the rules for success and opportunity in society, a great deal denying subordinate groups such success and opportunities, thus generating social division, and creating social exclusion, at the macro and the micro levels of society. In contrast to the conflict perspective, the strengths approach concentrates on building clients strong points in order for them to become empowered and initiate social change. Cowger and Snively (2001) favour the empowerment perspective as central to social work practice, and see client strengths as providing the fuel and energy for that empowerment (Miley et al, 200491).Empowerment can be defined as a construct that links individual strengths and competencies, natural helping systems, and proactive behaviours to social policy and social change (Rappaport, 1981, cited in Zimmerman, 1995 569). However if the social worker is operational more within the context of empowering the socially excluded, rather than the included, what of the power and authority that a social worker holds over the client as an divisor of social control? Moreover, if a social workers role involves empowering the client to take control of their own lives, how does the power transfer from the authoritative figure of the social worker, to the deprived, socially excluded client? Indeed, would the client want to be empowered, or be able to hold rational thought, susceptibility, to be open to empowerment? Rojek (1989) argues that empowering clients to focus on capacity building and not in making changes directly to the oppressive social structures affecting the client, places responsibility on the client to change whilst still facing social obstacles.Therefore, for the social worker to effectively practice empowerment, the client is presumed to have adequate rational capacity, and have only one risk factor influencing their lives. This is difficult, as, from researching this essay, it has become apparent, that the socially excluded individuals that social work operates with, has more than one disadvantage, problem, or need that they require support to cope with. possibly the term enablement would be more fitting than the harsh, power/powerless concept of empowerment and subsequently, that the social workers role should concentrate on maintaining the client According to Davies (1994 58) the social worker is contributing to the living of society, by employment control over deviant members, whilst allocating resources according to policies laid down by the state, on an individual basis. This consensus approach analyses struc tural inequalities in society and the role of social work in relation to such inequalities (Lishman, 2005 70).Davies idea of maintenance of the individual, and, therefore society, is simplistic, and, by using the term maintain rather than change, dominates a proper conception of social work (Sheppard, 2006). However the radical social worker would discount Davies notion of maintenance as they perceive the state as serving particular dominant interests and therefore cannot frolic a neutral, humanitarian role in respect to vulnerable, disadvantaged, socially excluded people. They would argue that social workers using the maintenance role, with respect to state policies, will perpetrate inequality and its associated oppressions, disadvantages and stigma. Radicalists distinguish that social workers need to understand the character of state power, and the role of social work as an element of state control and oppression (Lishman, 2005).If this is the case, and the social worker is opera tional in the form of an agent of social control, whilst holding the power and control over the client, may actually be alienating them further from society. Additionally, as the radical perspective, alongside Marxism, focusses on the class differences in society, it fails to take into account the multiple and varying oppression and disadvantage which operate in British Contemporary Society. According to Langham and Lee (1989 9) radical social work texts and practice led to the failure to get it on the systematic denial of power to women and black people and failed to recognise inequality arising from sexuality, disability or age.There is much debate and confusion in reference to the definition of social work, and even more deliberation concerning the role of the social worker and of its operational position in todays society. fetching into account, views from the Marxist, Radical and Functionalist perspectives, it has been the focus of this essay to decide upon the position of so cial work at the interface of social exclusion and social inclusion. It is of the authors opinion, that social work should perform a maintenance role, working with socially excluded individuals. The notion of being an agent of social control is not very appealing, as it makes the social worker an authority figure, which clients would find oppressive. It doesnt matter if the client is deviant or a conformist, the social worker should remain non-judgemental and focus on enabling and maintaining them to gain independence and improve their lives.ReferencesAndersen, M. Taylor, H. (2008), Sociology, Understanding a Diverse Society, fourth edn. USA Thomson Higher Education. Ashley, D. Orenstein, D. (1998), Sociological Theory, Classical Statements. 4th edn. USA Allyn and Bacon. Cuff, E. Sharrock, W. Francis, D. (1992), Perspectives in Sociology, 4th edn. London Routledge. Davies, M. (1994), the Essential Social Worker, tertiary edn. Aldershot Ashgate print Ltd. International Federation of Social Workers, 2000, Definition of Social Work, Online Available at http// (Accessed on 19/12/2011). Islam, A, (2005), Sociology of Poverty Quest for a New eyeshot, Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology. 2, pp. 1. Lisman, J. (2005), Handbook of theory forpractice teachers in social work, 10th edn. London Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Miley, K. DuBois, B. (2004), Social work an empowering profession, fifth edn. Boston Pearson Publishers. Page, D. (2000), Communities in Balance, the reality of social exclusion on housing estates, York Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Parsons, T. (1934), the Place of Ultimate value in Sociological Theory, International Journal of Ethics, 45(3), pp. 282-316. Parsons, T. (1951), the Social System, New York Free Press. Ritzier, G, (1992), Sociological Theory, 3rd edn. New York McGraw-Hill. Rojek, C. Peacock, G. Collins, S. (1989) Social Work and Received Ideas, London Routledge. Sheppard, M. (2006), Social Work and Social Exclusion, the Idea of Practice, Hampshire Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Silver, H. (1994-95), Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity Three Paradigms, International Labour Review, (133), pp. 531-578. Turner, J. (2000), Handbook of Sociological Theory, USA customs duty Press. Zimmerman, M. Perkins, D. (1995), Empowerment Theory Research and Application, American Journal of Community Psychology, 23(5), pp. 569 579.